Elbert County Democratic Party

"Providing Real Solutions for Elbert County"

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Just Say It, Democrats: Biden Has Been a Great President

Following is a summary of an article written by Stuart Stevens, a former Republican political consultant, who now works for the Lincoln Project. This article, “Just say it, Democrats: Biden Has Been a Great President” is part of a series entitled “ “How the Democrats Need to Run”, which can be found in “The New Republic”.

“A plea to my Democratic friends: It’s time to start calling Joe Biden a great president, not a good one. Not just a better choice than Donald Trump. Joe Biden is a historically great president. Say it with passion backed by the conviction that it’s true.”

Joe Biden should remain president because of his ability to stand on the side of freedom in Ukraine, in the largest land war since World War II, something that has not occurred since the Roosevelt-Truman era. Entering this campaign we must be bold, confident and proud.

Stop the nonsense that Biden can only win against a weak opponent and stop misjudging Trump’s strength. Accept the fact that Trump will be the Republican nominee and stop whining that the only choice is between Trump and Biden. Go about the business of getting united behind a great president. If there is one thing Republicans do well is their ability to unite behind a candidate and echo a consistent message. Stop complaining about Joe Biden.

Stuart Stevens, the author of this article, who has worked on Republican campaigns for almost 30 years, states without hesitation “that the Democratic Party is the only pro-democracy party in America.” However, Democrats are impossible to please and are always demanding more.

That being said, few presidents have accomplished as much as Joe Biden in his first term:

  • The stock market is at a record high.
  • Unemployment is at a record low.
  • There are 14 million new jobs.
  • The largest infrastructure bill in history has been passed.
  • Medicare has the power to negotiate drug prices with Big Pharma to lower drug prices. Insulin is capped at $35.
  • The US if producing more oil than any county in history and keeping gas prices at 1974 prices adjusted for inflation.
  • A $7 billion solar power investment has been launched to reduce fossil fuel dependency.
  • Three million borrowers have gotten student loan forgiveness.
  • A bipartisan gun safety bill has been enacted.
  • The federal deficit has decreased by 1.7 trillion.

Joe Biden has restored stability and decency to the presidency. As members of a democratic civil society “we are able to wake up and not worry about the mood of a leader.” “Joe has made governing boring and predictable, a fundamental right of people in a healthy democracy”

“Without President Biden, a monstrous evil would be violently spreading in Europe.” When one of the two major parties in the world’s superpower has embraced autocracy, Joe Biden has stood firm in support of our Democracy. Our parents and grandparents, members of The Greatest Generation, rose to defend the gift of democracy, which the Republicans now squander.

Joe Biden is a great American president. America needs a quiet American hero. We must not falter. Spread the word. Certainty and conviction will bring victory. Doubt and hesitation will invite defeat.


Elbert County Democrats are making plans for 2024 and VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! We need Democrats who can help set up and take down our booth, talk to people who stop by and hand out information as well during the day, and give those in the booth a break at lunchtime or in the morning or afternoon. The exact times for volunteering will become clearer as booth space is paid for and set up and take down times are arranged. Please call Suni Mills at 303-648-0135 if you wish to volunteer at any of the following events:

  • 1. ELIZABASH on Saturday, June 8, 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. on Mainstreet in Elizabeth (set up at 6:45 a.m.) (No early take downs which begin at 3:00 p.m.)
  • 2. ELBERT DAY on Saturday, July 6, 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. at the Russell Gates Mercantile Building, Elbert
  • 3. ELBERT COUNTY FAIR on Friday – Sunday (time TBD) at Elbert Fairgrounds
  • 4. SIMLA DAY on Monday, September 2, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Simla Town Park
  • 5. 150 ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION OF ELBERT COUNTY, Saturday, September 21, 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., Elbert County Fair Grounds
  • 6. DEMS PICNIC, September (Date TBD), Place (TBD)

We welcome our Candidates to participate in our booth and handout election material!
Note: Last year, we were surprised so many Elbert County Citizens were unaware of how to contact the Elbert County Democrats and were pleased to discover we were active and wanting help. If you know anyone who may not be on our email list, please pass this information along. Your volunteer help is greatly appreciated and needed.

PresIdent Joe Biden Helps Colorado Residents with Home Solar

(Summarized by Suni Mills from The Colorado Newsline article, "‘Household solar in Colorado gets boost from federal grants announced on Earth Day," by Lindsey Toomer

Interested in Solar for your Elbert County home? President Joe Biden approved the Environmental Protection Agency through the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund $156 million for Colorado Residents who qualify with a moderate or low income to get rooftop solar panels installed without any cost. Joe Biden announced the project called “Solar for All.”

DON’T WAIT! The EPA will begin with 60 applicants first and expand the program to 900,000 homes as those first projects are completed. If you own your own single family or a multi-family home or are a Community Provider, get an application, contact The Colorado Energy Office that is open to all Colorado residents whose incomes qualify. Applications must be filled out, but housing advocates, non-profits, financial institutions, local government and solar companies are able to help prepare the applications. For Tribal members, the Oweesta Corporation in Longmont which is a tribal based company, will assist with tribal members for equal opportunities to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. (Colorado Energy Office.gov)

The Colorado Energy Office (303-866-2100) also has a Weatherization Assistance Program to improve income-qualified residents to help with energy saving improvements as well as the Residential Energy Upgrade loan program offers fixed rate loans at below market value for up to $75,000 with repayment terms for a period of 20 years. (On Twitter #SolarEnergy)

Biden Jobs Boom Keeps Boosting Colorado

Today, Colorado Democratic Party Chair Shad Murib released the following statement after the U.S. Department of Labor announced that the U.S. economy added 353,000 jobs in the first month of 2024:

“After Donald Trump and the Colorado GOP’s reckless policies left the U.S. economy in shambles, President Biden’s leadership has delivered for working Colorado families month after month by creating record-breaking new jobs, driving up wages, keeping unemployment low and lowering costs,” said CDP Chair, Shad Murib. “Where Trump left office with the worst jobs record since the Great Depression and sold out working Colorado families to give away billions in tax breaks to the ultra-rich and major corporations, President Biden and Vice President Harris have been building our economy from the bottom up and middle out – leading America to dominate on the world stage. The biggest risk to all this progress for middle-class Coloradans is the threat of another four years of Trump and his trickle-down MAGAnomics agenda.”

Here’s a look at how Bidenomics is delivering in Colorado and across the country, where Trump failed miserably:

  • President Biden’s policies have helped create nearly 15 million jobs, including over 243,000 in Colorado alone. Trump had the worst jobs record since the Great Depression and is rooting for the economy to crash.
  • Under President Biden, the national unemployment rate has been under 4 percent for the longest stretch in 50 years in part due to his administration’s historic investments that have created 800,000 manufacturing jobs and another 875,000 in construction and engineering. Trump’s tax scam incentivized companies to ship American jobs overseas.
  • When Donald Trump was in office, his only accomplishment was giving billionaires and corporations tax handouts. President Biden, on the other hand, is investing in hardworking middle-class families while making sure billionaires and corporations finally pay their fair share in taxes.

The Arapahoe Democrats have collected all kinds of useful 2024 Election information on their website. Check it out...

Click Here

Article Summary of:
America will Abandon NATO

Click Here

Alessandra Navetta

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Website: vote4navetta.com/

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Officers for the E. C. Democratic Party

Chair - Kathleen Conway 303-908-0831
1st Vice Chair - Alessandra (Sandy) Navetta
2nd Vice Chair - Douglas Watkins
Secretary - Susan Shick
Treasurer - Kay Seifried

Reference sources/links for useful information:

Feel free to share this information with other Dems in the county.
To receive the county Dems newsletter: email to jduvall908@aol.com

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Check out the new magnets the Dems are putting in the “Welcome” baskets for new county residents!
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The Elbert County Democratic Party continues to be focused on solutions to some of the issues that face Elbert County residents.

For more information, contact me.
Kathleen Conway, Chairperson
Elbert County Democratic Party

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