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The Revenge Presidency

Original article by David Frum
Summary from January/February issue of the Atlantic Magazine

While humans like to believe that bad things that happened, in our country, years or centuries ago ( the Civil War, The Great Depression, the turmoil of the 60’s ) will not happen again, that is not the case should Trump become president again.

According to David Frum, Trump operates outside the bounds of normal human behavior. During his first presidency his brutality and corruption was somewhat limited by his ignorance and laziness. This time around he would have the benefit the experience gained during his first term. He would know all the vulnerabilities of our system of government and he would have the assistance of willing enablers who would help him in his retaliation efforts against adversaries, while assuring impunity for himself.

On Election Day 2024, he will be involved in multiple criminal and civil trials and may well have been convicted in at least one of them. In order to save himself, he would have to destroy the rule of law. His immediate priorities would include: 1. Stopping all civil and criminal trials in which he is involved. 2. He would pardon those involved in trying to overthrow the 2020 election. 3.He would order the Department of Justice to investigate anyone who he perceives to be his critics or adversaries. 4. He would fire civil servants and officials who refuse to carry out his orders. 5. He would quell legal public protests by ordering the military to crush them. Any of these actions would lead to chaos.

During his first term, Trump was surrounded by prominent knowledgable people, who recognizing his deficiencies were able to restrain his lawless tendencies ( Rex Tillerson, John Kelly). This time around, he will surround himself with the likes of Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and J.D.Vance. who support his schemes. There are few Republicans left who dare to criticize his abuse of power. Liz Cheney and Adam Kissinger, Republicans who defended election integrity are gone.

On the world stage, Frum believes Ukraine will be abandoned to Vladimir Putin. The Saudis would benefit from their investments with the Trump family. Withdrawal from NATO may occur this time around. Other democracies will have to adjust to Trump’s authoritarian tendencies and corruption. The US will be paralyzed with troubles within and would not be of much help to democracies abroad.

If elected, it is unlikely it will be with a majority of the popular vote. He won the Electoral College with only 46% of the vote in the 2016 election. As a result a minority won over the majority and the power to govern. This outcome a second time may result in demonstrations, which Trump may attempt to subdue by using the military. If Trump is able to investigate his op opponents and summon the military to crush peaceful protest, our society would no longer be free.

According to Frum “If Trump is defeated the United States can proceed in its familiar imperfect way to deal with many of the big problems of our time: the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, climate change, educational standards and equal opportunity, economic growth and individual living standards. Stopping Trump would would preserve the possibility of progress and keep alive the constitutional democratic structure of the United States. “For democracy to continue, however, the democratic system must be the commitment of all major participants. Rules must matter more than outcomes. If not, the system careens toward breakdown— as it is careening now”

David Frum is a staff writer for the Atlantic and an author of numerous books, including most recently, Trumpocalypse: Restoring American Democracy.

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